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Electric car charging stations may be portals for power grid cyberattacks

“In simulations using publicly available information about charging station usage in Manhattan and the structure of the island’s power grid, our research team found that a fleet of just roughly 1,000 simultaneously charging electric vehicles would be adequate for mounting an attack whose effects could rival the blackout that affected the city’s West Side last...


The New Arms Race: Deep Fakes and Their Impact on Information

… Three years ago, DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, created a Media Forensic Program or MediFor to develop technological tools to automatically detect what is real and what is not real in deep fakes. … Nasir Memon, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering also leads...


How Companies Are Tackling a Lack of Cybersecurity Experts

New York Times Dan Guido, an NYU Tandon alum, was a Hacker in Residence and an adjunct faculty member at NYU Tandon. Most people can’t possibly know enough to protect themselves technologically, says Dan Guido, the chief executive of the cybersecurity firm Trail of Bits. As a New York University faculty member, he helped found...


Follow-Up: Can AI Help Restore Our Faith in Photography?

Pro Photo Daily, July 31, 2019 Cites research by Nasir Memon, professor, and Pawel Korus, research assistant professor, in the department of computer science and engineering at NYU Tandon. It’s a deepfake world we’re living in. Can we get out? Researchers at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering recently published a study — titled...


The simple way Apple and Google let domestic abusers stalk victims

After years of neglect, the antivirus industry has finally begun to recognize stalkerware’s danger and flag the apps as malicious. … But antivirus alone may not be enough, one group of researchers at Cornell Tech and NYU warned me. … The researchers documented the prevalence of those tracking apps in a study last year, based...


Can AI Save the Internet from Fake News?

Research discussed in this article was led by Nasir Memon, professor of computer science and engineering at NYU Tandon. … Researchers at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering have proposed implanting a type of digital watermark using a neural network that can spot manipulated photos and videos. The idea is to embed the system...


Data Privacy And Consumer Protection (Audio)

Consumer data is incredibly valuable. Businesses are using more sophisticated methods to secretly gather that data and increase their profits. How much do they know about us, and what is being done to protect consumer information in New York and Connecticut? Our guests: … Justin Cappos, Ph.D., associate professor, computer science, NYU Tandon School of...


NYU Abu Dhabi Chip Processes Encrypted Data

Michail Maniatakos is a global network assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon. Researchers at NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) have designed a co-processor that relies on partially homomorphic encrypted (PHE) execution, enabling it to perform computations directly on encrypted data. … The project is led by NYUAD assistant professor...