A Busy Summer for Zhu: Tandon ECE Professor Releases Three Next Books; Leads Robotics Seminar

Springer Publishing recently released three new book titles with one thing in common: all were co-authored or co-edited by NYU Tandon Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Quanyan Zhu. The titles include two dealing with the application of game theoretic approaches to cybersecurity, and to resilient interdependent network analysis and design, and a third covering state-of-the-art tools and techniques available for designing secure and resilient industrial control systems.

Zhu also recently organized a workshop addressing security and privacy challenges in robotic systems for the 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). In collaboration with  Stefan Rass of the Universitaet Klagenfurt in Austria and Bernhard Dieber of Joanneum Research, the workshop looked “to explore interdisciplinary approaches that bridge cryptography, communication networks, data sciences, control systems, and robotic operating systems… to stay ahead of the emerging challenges.” For more information on the new book titles, go to https://engineering.nyu.edu/news/quanyan-zhu-releases-trio-new-books. To learn more about Zhu’s contributions to the ICRA, go to https://engineering.nyu.edu/news/icra-2020-made-seamless-transition-virtual-world-and-quanyan-zhu-was-important-presence.