Category: Press Highlights

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Google ransomware tracking finds vicious infection cycle

Ransomware surged last year, becoming a multi-million dollar business that’s so profitable it’s creating a “vicious cycle” of ever-increasing attacks, say researchers at New York University [Tandon School of Engineering] and Google who tracked the criminals’ payment networks. … The findings suggest that even though the last two large ransomware attacks, Wannacry, and Petya, did...


Google Warns Ransomware Boom Scored Crooks $2 Million A Month

As the ransomware scourge calms down for the summer holidays, Google has taken a retrospective at that particular pesky form of cybercrime, finding it only become massively profitable in the last year and a half. … Their success, and the sudden jump in revenue, is down to their distribution via botnets, in particular one known...


At Cybersecurity Camps, Teen Girls Learn About Protecting Nation, Breaking Barriers

Talk to the teenage girls studying cybersecurity at New York University [Tandon School of Engineering] this summer, and you’ll get an earful about their determination to protect their country, safeguard privacy, and conquer their fair share of a male-dominated field.The young women are attending one of a rising number of camps devoted to the niche...


WhatsApp Now Allows You to Share Any File Type

WhatsApp is adding a brand new feature in its latest update: the ability to share any file type. …Damon McCoy, a Computer Science and Engineering professor at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, said that “most cellphones unless you root them will only allow you to run apps if they’re from official stores.” In regions...


America's Online Enemies

From election meddling and economic espionage to financial fraud and personal identity theft, it’s becoming clear that cybersecurity is increasingly central to every aspect of the way we live. Both state-sponsored cyber-spies and transnational organized crime groups pose urgent threats online to our nation’s critical infrastructure, our security, and our fundamental values in a democratic...