Category: Press Highlights

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3D Printing Gives Hackers Entirely New Ways to Wreak Havoc

Effects created from a hacked file may not materialize until some point in the future, and when they do, it may be in an entirely unpredictable manner… For example, in a recent study, New York University researchers examined two aspects of 3D printing with cybersecurity implications: printing orientation and insertion of fine defects. These tiny errors inducted...


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation adds two security projects to its open source stable

Today, the CNCF is expanding its stable with the addition of the Docker-incubated Notary and The Update Framework (TUF), which was originally developed by professor Justin Cappos and his team at NYU’s Tandon School of engineering. These are actually related projects. Notary, which can provide a layer of trust to any content, is actually an...


Popular Science Names Two Brooklyn Technologies Among Top 100 Inventions of 2017

Two new technologies born in Downtown Brooklyn made Popular Science magazine’s list of top inventions for 2017. Uptane, a cybersecurity for cars project out of NYU Tandon, and goTenna, a decentralized cell network technology were listed in the magazine’s Best of What’s New feature. … Uptane is the work of NYU Tandon professor Justin Cappos...


The 100 greatest innovations of 2017

Don’t let nefarious coders take you for a ride. Late-model cars are basically just engines wrapped in computers. Those computers need updates, but malicious code hidden in software can leave you driving a couple tons of compromised steel. Hackers could track you, or even steer you off the road. Uptane—an open-source software protocol—checks incoming instructions...


Equifax CEO Richard Smith Is Out Days Before Congressional Hearing

But does Equifax have a problem retaining top talent? The great demand for cybersecurity experts at companies across the world could be one of the reasons these people moved jobs, Dr. Edward Amoroso, a distinguished research professor at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, said in a recent interview. Dr. Amoroso said that chief...