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ATS Is Integrating The Uptane Security Framework For Over-the-air Software Updates To Connected Vehicles

Features Prof. Justin Cappos ATS Advanced Telematic Systems is the first European company integrating the Uptane security framework into its OTA solutions: OTA Plus and ATS Garage. Uptane is a joint research initiative between NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering, the Southwest Research Institute, and the University of Michigan Transport Research Center, working to develop a...


Cybersecurity Experts Discuss the Perfect Storm – A Convergence of Internet of Things, Cloud, and Security

With the increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), concerns are growing about security, particularly hardware security, which is an integral part of the IoT framework. Security threats permeated the discussion at the eighth installment of NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Sloan Lecture Series on April 25, which brought together world-class academics and industry...


The Trump Administration’s Early (Appropriate) Focus on Botnets

President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity, concentrating as it does on things largely within the authority of the executive branch, is a reasonable early approach to a very complicated public policy challenge. Its three components focus on preparatory steps to harmonize and modernize the federal government’s information technology (IT), better protect critical infrastructure, and improve...


CCS Announces Call for New Class of NYU Cyber Scholars and The Inaugural Latham & Watkins Award in Technology and Law

The NYU Center for Cybersecurity, a collaboration among NYU School of Law, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and other NYU schools, is soliciting applications for two interdisciplinary scholarship programs for students passionate about cybersecurity. Students will aparticipate in weekly cohort meetings with students focusing on cybersecurity from other NYU schools and engage in a...


"The Cybersecurity Dilemma" by Ben Buchanan

The Center for Cybersecurity was pleased to host Ben Buchanan, the author of “The Cybersecurity Dilemma: Hacking, Trust, and Fear Between Nations” on March 2 for an in-depth discussion of his new book. “The Cybersecurity Dilemma” illuminates some of the strategic dynamics shaping the international relations of cybersecurity.  He focuses on how cyber capabilities among Russia,...


Innovative Events and Training Reshape Cybersecurity Education

When Nasir Memon, a computer science and engineering professor at New York University, was first starting his cybersecurity program, he wanted to offer more hands-on experiences for his students. “I always thought cybersecurity was not a topic you talk about, but where you learn by doing things,” says Memon. So he organized a cybersecurity awareness...


Distinguished Fellow Randal Milch to speak on Designing the Future of Cybersecurity

On March 17, 2017, Center for Cybersecurity Distinguished Fellow Randal S. Milch will be speaking “Cybersecurity: The Leadership Imperative,” held by The Conference Board. He will discuss the best approaches in governance and risk mitigation to position companies to confront challenges and act on opportunities on cybersecurity. For more information and to register for this...


New Threats Require New Responses: NYU Announces an MS in Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy Program for Executives

New York University is announcing the establishment of an MS in Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy Program for executives (MS CRS). Offered jointly by NYU School of Law and NYU Tandon School of Engineering, the one-year program will not simply confer a new degree, but a new category of degree — one built around the interdisciplinary...