NYU Tops NYC Schools in NSF Research Ranking

NYU Tops NYC Schools in NSF Research Ranking

According to the National Science Foundation’s most recent Higher Education Research and Development, New York University now ranks number one in research spending among all the city’s academic institutions. With total research expenditures of $1.27 billion, NYU also ranks in the top 15 nationally, and 7th among private institutions, an increase of 8 places from the previous survey.

In a statement released by the university, Stacie Grossman Bloom, vice provost for research and chief research officer (pictured above), observes, “NYU is really proud of this achievement. Our research enterprise—across all of our schools and locations—continues its strong trajectory of growth, and thanks to the ongoing efforts of many across NYU, has proven to be a powerhouse of innovation and impact.”

By category, according to the press statement, support for studies in math and statistics, social sciences, and engineering increased by 20%, while funding for geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences research increased by a whopping 83%. Among the specific projects mentioned in the release was a $5 million grant awarded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA ) to a team of Tandon researchers engaged in developing an artificial intelligence-driven augmented reality assistant.

To read the full article, go to https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2024/january/nsf-herd-research-ranking.html#.