Greenstadt Receives Tandon Jacobs Award

Greenstadt Receives Tandon Jacobs Award

Dr. Rachel Greenstadt, professor and interim director of the Ph.D.program in computer science and engineering, was honored with the 2023 Jacobs Excellence in Education Innovation Award. According to the official Tandon announcement, Greenstadt received the award in honor of “her unwavering commitment to innovation in teaching, and her development of inclusive and interactional strategies.” The announcement further states that, “her research focuses on building more trustworthy intelligent systems that function both autonomously and with integrity, and her students learn to be independent thinkers with a solid grasp of ethical engineering.”

The award was announced last spring, but was presented to Greenstadt in a ceremony on November 9. Part of a gift made by Dr. Joseph Jacobs to recognize and foster teaching excellence, the award  is given to one individual or group each year who has demonstrated educational innovation and excellence. Each recipient receives a $5,000 award.