CCS and C2SMART Center Post-Doc Opportunity

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The C2SMART Center and the NYU Center for Cybersecurity ( are jointly seeking to hire a Post-doctoral fellow to conduct state-of-the art research on emerging transportation cybersecurity problems.
With the emergence of connected and autonomous vehicles as well as the increasing levels of automation of all transportation systems, there is a growing recognition of cybersecurity threats to all of the transportation system components including vehicles, users, and cyber and physical infrastructures. This candidate will work closely with faculty and students in:

  • Researching and identifying cybersecurity issues faced in automated implementations of transportation systems
  • Developing multi-disciplinary solutions targeted at intrusion detection and vulnerable transportation infrastructure
  • Preparing and designing protocols designed to ensure automated systems and platforms are adequately identifying and preparing for cybersecurity threats
  • Leading outreach efforts for increasing agency awareness of transportation cybersecurity
Applications should be submitted at: